
Egesys is a private firm providing software solutions, consultancy and training services to its customers to increase their R&D and Innovation capacity and benefit from national and international R&D and Innovation grants at the highest level. Egesys carries out its services mainly in four areas:

Training Services

Egesys prepares and produces e-learning video modules for mentoring services in the R&D and Innovation Management areas. Kobimen Academy is the first Turkish online R&D mentoring program created by Egesys which is supported by national funding agency TUBITAK in its 1601 Support Programme for Increasing Capacity in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

(SME Mentor Academy) is an e-learning platform that provides 32 hours of mentor training. SME Mentor Academy is a certification program developed by EGESYS based on the experience gained through the R&D Mentoring project. The content of SME Mentor Academy was created by EGESYS in collaboration with Istanbul Technical University and EMCC Turkey (European Mentor and Coaching Council of Turkey).

SME Mentor Academy training program aims to give competencies and enable mentor candidates to effectively transfer their experience and knowledge to SMEs in their areas of expertise. Kobimen Academy training sessions are ongoing and around 600 mentor candidates in Turkey will be trained in the program. Egesys also provides a number of classroom training programs for its customers in addition to the online training programs.
Software Solutions

Egesys offers comprehensive mentoring software (ArGeMentor MMS) for all kinds of mentoring programs. ArGeMentor MMS is designed and developed based on the requirements of the organizations running mentoring projects. It is a cloud based software which is accessible anytime and anywhere with internet connection. It has modular structure and provides features that simplify the program mangement to increase the success of the program managers.

ArGeMentor MMS is used successfully at ArGeMentor.net project in Turkey and already actively being used by mentors and mentees of FRACTALS projects in Europe which is one of the 16 accelerators of FIWARE. FRACTALS aims to support the community of innovative ICT SMEs and web-entrepreneurs to develop FIWARE based applications with high market potential, addressing the needs of the agricultural sector. ArGeMentor is also used in Turkish Industry & Business Association TUSIAD’s Inter-regional joint venture mentoring project called BORGIP.

Consultancy Services

Egesys provides consulting services to its customers mainly in R&D and Innovation Management areas.

In addition to these, in our centre national and international funding programs (TUBITAK, KOSGEB, ministries, development agencies, EU Framework Programmes, Horizon 2020, Eurostars, EUREKA and clusters’ programs) are closely monitored and the customers are informed timely to participate in the related calls and projects. Egesys also forms new consortiums for project proposals and prepares the application for its customers. In addition to these, egesys provides consulting services and trainings to its customers to set-up an R&D center and acquire “R&D Centre Certificate” from the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and to benefit from R&D related incentives. Egesys provides consulting services for R&D structuring and re-organization, University-Industry Cooperation, technology transfer and moving to the Technology Development Zones (Technopark) as well.

Egesys conducts research and development activities in cooperation with local and international universities, research organizations and institutes as well as the leading industrial corporations. Egesys is increasingly pursuing several research activities both internally and via external industry and university partnerships to explore and develop new technology solutions in the e-learning and mentoring programs.

Egesys management team has over 75 years of experience in ICT and Consumer Electronics sectors. They have participated in a number of national and international R&D projects.

Egesys is a member of NEM, NESSI and NetWorld 2020 technology platforms. It believes in open innovation and cooperates with members of these TPs. Our center has a dynamic organization structure. We have a large number of mentors, academics and freelance consultants in our national and international networks to support our customers in addition to our core staff.

Mentoring Services

EGESYS develops and implements successful business mentoring and mentor training programs in Turkey. The company provides complementary solutions that help organizations run more effectively mentoring programs. Mentoring solutions offered by EGESYS include:

•         R&D and Innovation Mentoring Program for SME’s (ArGeMentor)
ArGeMentor is a mentoring program for SMEs and developed by EGESYS in response to TUBITAK’s (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) call to increase the R&D and innovation capacities of SMEs in Turkey. The program is designed to supporting the R&D projects of SME’s through the knowledge and experience of the mentors.
•         Mentor Training Programs (KOBIMEN Academy)
KOBIMEN Academy Business Mentor Training and Certification Program is developed by EGESYS in collaboration with EMCC Turkey and supported by TUBITAK. It is a comprehensive program that combines online training, face-to-face workshops and on-the-job practice.  The aim of the program is to create a national pool of business mentors who will provide support on growth opportunities and possibilities of financial and other support services to SME's. Since opening in 2015, KOBIMEN Academy has trained hundreds of business mentors in Turkey.
•         ArGeMentor MMS - Mentoring Software
ArGeMentor Mentoring Software allows organizations to manage mentoring programs online. From business and startups mentoring to workplace mentoring, ArGeMentor can be used for all kinds of mentoring programs. It has useful features and intelligent tools that make it easier to start and manage mentoring programs.