Training Services
There are a large number of R&D and innovation incentive programs available in Turkey and Europe but the businesses need to have adequate information about the programs to choose the most appropriate one for the company and get the maximum benefit from it. All the national and international R&D and innovation support programs are outlined in this training program. Particularly conditions and program benefits are explained and special tips are given on the Horizon 2020, Eurostars, EUREKA, TUBITAK, KOSGEB and Ministries programs.
The number of businesses are increasing every day to benefit from the National and/or international R&D and innovation grants. The high competition makes it very difficult for the project funding. The idea of the R&D and innovation project should be original/distinctive and the project proposal should be in line with the call’s objectives and expected results. This training provides the methodology necessary to write a successful R&D and Innovation project proposal.
The successful coordination of an R&D&I project is as important as the project preparation. It is necessary to know well the technical and financial reporting rules of the related programme. This training provides the participants the necessary knowledge for coordination, technical and financial reporting of R&D&I projects.
PCM (Project Cycle Management) Training covers project design, writing, budgeting and reporting processes as well as methods to carry out the theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the project preparation. Especially those who prepare projects for EU and Development Agencies are required to learn the PCM methodology.
The businesses which want R&D and innovation-oriented growth need to collaborate with the companies which set the future standards and globally shapes the future of technology. This tutorial firstly introduces available collaboration programs as HORIZON 2020, EUREKA, Clusters and Eurostars. It provides the necessary steps to be taken for the successful participation in these programs including a detailed roadmap and related practical tips.
Innovation Academy is a 5 day training covering the innovation from A to Z in 5 main modules. It includes a case study through the training and includes expert videos on the related topics.
EUREKA Network Projects are transnational, market-driven innovative research and development projects, labelled by EUREKA and supported by the public administrations and public funding agencies over 40 EUREKA member countries. This training program provides in depth information to write a successful project proposal for EUREKA and Eurostars programs.
The purpose of training is to teach the participants the ability to prepare professional and competitive proposals for the Horizon 2020 program. In this context, the project will draw attention to the lessons learnt in the past and describe the work to be done to prepare a successful proposal.