Kobimen Academy

Kobimen Academy (SME Mentor Academy) is an EGESYS project funded by TUBITAK 1601 program. SME Mentor Academy is an e-learning platform that provides 32 hours of mentor training. SME Mentor Academy is a certification program developed by EGESYS based on the experience gained through the R&D Mentoring project (ArGeMentor.net). The content of SME Mentor Academy was created by EGESYS in collaboration with Istanbul Technical University and European Mentor and Coaching Council Turkey.

SME Mentor Academy training program aims to give competencies and enable mentor candidates to effectively transfer their experience and knowledge to SMEs in their areas of expertise.

TUBITAK-approved candidates who complete the training will be eligible to take part in the National Mentor Platform as a mentor. SME Mentor Academy will provide training to 600 mentor candidates within 1 year.

SME Mentor Academy training programs are free of charge. Each candidate can only benefit from one program. Therefore, candidates must choose only one of the areas in which they have strong skills.


Mentor candidates who wish to get the mentor training need to fulfil necessary criteria set by TUBITAK as below:
• either 10 years experience in industry including managerial position
• or 10 years experience for entrepreneurs
• or 10 years experience for those with experience of mentoring
• or only 5 years of experience for both entrepreneurs and mentors
All candidate applications are evaluated and sent to TUBITAK for approval. They will allowed to participate in the program after TUBITAK’s approval. Mentor candidates can apply to the program at  www.kobimen.com website.